157 David Street, East Devonport, TAS
14 Photos

14 Photos

For Sale
Offers over $499,000
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
Upcoming inspection
5 April at 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
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For Sale
Offers over $499,000
buymyplace on +61 488 842 044
Upcoming inspection
5 April at 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
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Stunning Views of Devonport With Great Potential! - For Sale
Property ID: 231025
Stunning Views of Devonport With Great Potential! 157 David Street, East Devonport Situated on the hillside of East Devonport overlooking the Mersey River and Devonport. The block is just short of 1000m2 and the home approximately 20 squares. This 4 bedrooms house all with built in robes, a single bathroom and a separate toilet. The kitchen has been updated fitted with a dishwasher and goes through to the dining room and spacious living area. It is heated by a wood-fire and gas heating. Additional to most homes this home has a front balcony and side undercover entertaining area with stunning views. Downstairs offers 2 single garages/workshops, a large laundry and an extra rumpus room. This home offers potential for expansion with the versatile space downstairs. The original flooring adds a touch of elegance, making this home the perfect blend of character. Enjoy the convenience of living near essential amenities while relishing the beauty of coastal living and watching the ships go by from your own home. Has fully fenced yard and has a garden shed for additional storage. Call or e-mail today to organise an inspection - Property features The property details of 157 David Street East Devonport TAS can help you make the decision if this house is right for you Key features Last updated in April 2024 Balcony Bathrooms: 1 Bedrooms: 4 Built: 1963 Built in robes Car spaces: up to 5 vehicles Courtyard Dishwasher Fully fenced Garage spaces: 2 Land size: 994m² Outdoor entertainment Rumpus room Secure parking Type: House Workshop Government planning overlays & zones 157 David St, East Devonport is within the Devonport local government area This property is zoned for residential land use and consists of the parcel Lot 1 55101. Bushfire Not detected Bushfire icon We haven't detected any bushfire related overlays on this property. Flood Not detected Flood icon We haven't detected any flood management overlays on this property. Heritage Not detected Heritage icon We haven't detected any heritage overlays on this property. Internet availability What internet connection options are there at 157 David Street, East Devonport With the ability to connect to either FTTN NBN or ultra fast 5G this property has good options for internet availability. good-connection-quality-logo NBN connection FTTN This property is connected to NBN Fibre to the Node which can support download speeds up to 50Mbps and 20Mbps upload with a corresponding internet plan. Mobile coverage 5G This property has 5G coverage from some or all mobile providers. Under normal conditions users average around 250Mbps connection speeds. Nearby primary schools This property is in the East Devonport Primary School intake area for primary School Nearby secondary schools GRADES SECTOR NO. STUDENTS DISTANCE East Devonport Primary School K-6 ZONED School insights School website Devonport Primary School K-6 Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Prep-6 Catholic 386 1.76km Miandetta Primary School K-6 Government 326 2.17km Hillcrest Primary School K-6 Government 198 3.36km Indie School - Devonport 9-12 Independent 189 1.73km Reece High School 7-12 Government 532 1.78km Devonport High School 7-11 Government 351 2.35km St Brendan-Shaw College 7-12 Catholic 543 3.50km Don College 11-12 Government 706 4.06km Nearby childcare and kinder centres 5 closest children care DISTANCE Miandetta Children's Centre Meeting NQS 86 Berrigan Road, Devonport, TAS 731 Malangenna Children's Centre Meeting NQS 2.42km 1912 Child Care and Education Centre Meeting 2.67km Elanora Children's Centre Meeting 3.25km Roseberry House Early Learning Centre Devonport 2.04km DISCLAIMER: While we have taken every care to verify the accuracy of the details in this advertisement, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Prospective buyers or tenants need to take such action as is necessary, to satisfy themselves of any pertinent matters. Sold as is where is. Note for potential buyers all information or partial information has been sourced from the internet therefore suggest buyers do there own due diligence as we will not be liable for any errors or information that has been listed which may not be true.
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